
Tag Archive lose weight

3 Ways to Avoid Overeating at Christmas

Sometimes those Christmas feasts are just amazing.

And it’s not just the abundance of delicious food but also the people, the decorations, and the ambiance.

It is way too easy (and common) to indulge on those days.

But it doesn’t always stop there.

Sometimes we overeat on regular days. Or at regular meals. Or All. The. Time.

Here are 3 ways to avoid overeating at Christmas.

(Psst, turn these into habits and ditch the willpower!)

Tip #1: Start with some water

When your stomach is growling and you smell amazingly delicious food it’s too easy to fill a plate (or grab some samples with your bare hands) and dive into the food.

But did you know that it’s possible to sometimes confuse the feeling of thirst with that of hunger? Your stomach may actually be craving a big glass of water rather than a feast.

Some studies have shown that drinking a glass or two of water before a meal can help reduce the amount of food eaten. And this super-simple tip may even help with weight loss (…just sayin’).

Not only will the water start to fill up your stomach before you get to the buffet, leaving less room for the feast but drinking enough water has been shown to slightly increase your metabolism.


For more advice on how to avoid overindulging at Christmas and for weight loss, contact Nutritionist Kate.

Tip #2: Try eating “mindfully”

You’ve heard of mindfulness but have you applied that to your eating habits?

This can totally help you avoid overeating as well as having the added bonus of helping your digestion.

Just as being mindful when you meditate helps to focus your attention on your breathing and the present moment being mindful when you eat helps to focus your attention on your meal.

Do this by taking smaller bites, eating more slowly, chewing more thoroughly, and savouring every mouthful. Notice and appreciate the smell, taste and texture. Breathe.

This can help prevent overeating because eating slower often means eating less.

When you eat quickly you can easily overeat because it takes about 20 minutes for your brain to know that your stomach is full.

So take your time, pay attention to your food and enjoy every bite.

Bonus points: Eat at a table (not in front of the screen), off of a small plate, and put your fork down between bites.

Tip #3: Start with the salad

You may be yearning for that rich, creamy main dish.

But don’t start there.

(Don’t worry, you can have some…just after you’ve eaten your salad).

Veggies are a great way to start any meal because they’re full of not only vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and health-promoting phytochemicals but they also have some secret satiety weapons: fibre and water.

Fibre and water are known to help fill you up and make you feel fuller. They’re “satiating”.

And these secret weapons are great to have on your side when you’re about to indulge in a large meal.


Have your glass of water, eat mindfully, and start with your salad to help avoid overeating at meals.

Recipe (Water): Tasty (and beautiful) Pre-Meal Water Ideas

If you’re not much of a plain water drinker or need your water to be more appealing to your senses here are five delicious (and beautiful looking) fruit combos to add to your large glass of water:

  • Slices of lemon & ginger

  • Slices of strawberries & orange

  • Slices of apple & a cinnamon stick

  • Chopped pineapple & mango

  • Blueberries & raspberries

Tip: You can buy a bag (or several bags) of frozen chopped fruit and throw those into your cup, thermos, or uber-cool mason jar in the morning. They’re already washed and cut and will help keep your water colder longer.




Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

5 Quick Ways to Lose Weight after a Holiday Binge

We all tend to overindulge over Christmas with all the chocolates and mince pies available. It is okay to enjoy Christmas treats as long as you get back on track afterwards. I will share my 5 quick ways to lose weight after a holiday binge so you can get back in shape fast!

5 Quick Ways to Lose Weight after a Holiday Binge

  • Drink more water – when you drink water it suppresses your appetite and flushes out toxins from your binge. People often mistake thirst for hunger, so make sure you are hydrated. Drinking water also helps you to feel full so drink a glass of water before eating a meal.
  • Eat 3 meals per day – focus of nutrient-dense meals that are low in calories but high in vitamins and minerals e.g. salads, green smoothies, lean white meat and fish.
  • Start your day with lemon in warm water –  this helps to stimulate your digestion and kick start your liver to detox toxins from your binge. Make sure you drink the lemon in warm water through a straw so the acidic lemon does not damage your teeth.
  • Do more exercise – go to an aerobics class or turn on some Christmas music and dance off the excess calories! Even light exercise such as going for a 15 minute walk every day will help.
  • Eat more fibre – when you eat more fibre with adequate water intake, it helps to move the binge foods and toxins through your system more quickly.

Copyright: stockbroker / 123RF Stock Photo

How To Lose Weight and Keep It Off

Many people believe that dieting is the best way to lose weight. They have tried all the popular diets such as the Atkins diet, 5:2 diet and juice fast diet. Somehow they always end up putting the weight back on and more after finishing the diet. Why is this? When you suddenly fast your body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism slows down to conserve energy. When you eventually give in to your body’s signal to eat, your body holds on to more fat in case there is a famine again. This is a negative cycle of dieting and putting on weight. So now I will explain how to lose weight and keep it off.

The best way to lose weight is to eat healthily. Making gradually changes to your diet including reducing processed, sugary foods and increasing the amount of vegetables and protein in your diet will help to support your body in losing weight and keeping it off. Make it a long-term lifestyle change, not a fad diet.

Here I will tell you how to lose weight and keep it off with my foods to eat and foods to avoid for weight loss:

How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

Foods to avoid for weight loss:

  • Replace refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta and rice, pastries, pies, pizzas for whole grain brown bread, pasta and rice.
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners especially aspartame which puts a strain on the liver and can slow weight loss.
  • Reduce foods high in sugar, which converts to fat inside the body if it is not used up during exercise.
  • Avoid chocolates as they are highly acid-forming. The occasional piece of dark chocolate is fine.
  • Avoid all margarines, full-fat milk and full-fat cheeses.


Friendly foods for weight loss:

  • Eat more organic foods, which contain fewer pesticides. Pesticides are stored in fat tissue and are really hard to eliminate.
  • Increase fruit and vegetable consumption to 5-10 portions per day. Onions, ginger, spring greens, spinach, pak choy, celery, pineapple and apples are all great foods for assisting weight loss.
  • Eat at least 1 portion of good quality protein per day at breakfast or lunchtime such as beef, lamb, venison, fish, eggs, chicken or fermented tofu, as protein balances blood sugar for a longer period.
  • Always eat breakfast. A good option is  a couple of poached eggs on wholemeal toast or organic porridge made with almond milk and a few raisins to sweeten.
  • Drink lots of herbal teas and at least 6-8 glasses of water per day. Water suppresses the appetite and prevents fat depositing in the body.


Weight Loss Plate

Make your meal plate in these proportions for weight loss.

    • 10% protein e.g. chicken, fish, eggs
    • 20% good fats e.g. avocado, coconut oil, olive oil, nuts and seeds
    • 20% carbohydrates e.g. wholegrains, brown bread, brown pasta, brown rice
    • 50% fruits and vegetables



Weight Loss Meal Plan Ideas

When you calorie count it stresses you out and does not work in the long-term. Eat 3 meals per day and a few healthy snacks to give your body all the nutrients it needs.

Day 1

  • Breakfast porridge with 1 apple and raisins to sweeten.
  • Lunch tinned mackerel on 1 slice wholemeal toast.
  • Snack 1 sugar-free yoghurt.
  • Dinner chicken with roast potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower.


Day 2

  • Breakfast 2 poached eggs on 1 slice wholemeal toast.
  • Lunch Greek salad.
  • Snack 3 oatcakes with hummus or cottage cheese.
  • Dinner salmon with broccoli, cauliflower and quinoa.


Day 3

  • Breakfast sugar- free granola with almond milk and yoghurt.
  • Homemade vegetable soup with wholemeal bread
  • Snack handful of nuts and an apple or a pear.
  • Dinner chicken curry with spinach, tomato, cauliflower and brown rice.

If you would like a personalised diet plan for weight loss, contact Kate on 07652 868342 or info@kateoriordan.com for more information.