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Natural Remedies to Relieve PMS

When you have pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) you may have symptoms including mood swings, anxiety, depression, breast tenderness, migraines and cramps. You get these symptoms in the week leading up to the start of your period. You may feel very uncomfortable and find it difficult to go about your day to day activities. Below I talk about natural remedies to relieve PMS.

Many women’s period cycles are in time with the 28 day cycles of the moon.

Here are my natural remedies to relieve PMS and the 4 types of PMS:

  • PMS A (Anxiety) – you may get anxiety, tension, anger and irritability with this type of PMS. It is the most common type of PMS.
  • PMS D (Depresssion) – people with this type of PMS get severe depression, tearfulness and withdrawal that can affect their everyday live. They may even feel suicidal. It is caused by low levels of the hormone progesterone and high levels of oestrogen. You need to eat more phytoestrogen containing foods such a flaxseed/linseed and fermented soya. When you eat phytoestrogens, these food block the oestrogen receptor sites in the body causing a weaker oestrogen effect.
  • PMS H (Hyperhydration) – you may get water retention, swelling, bloating, weight gain and breast tenderness with this hydration type of PMS. You need to avoid eating too much salt which increases the swelling.
  • PMS C (Cravings) – you can get strong cravings for sugar snacks and chocolate with this type of PMS. Also you may get blood sugar imbalance, headaches and fatigue.

Most women experience a different type of PMS before each period.

Natural remedies to relieve PMS including herbs:

  • Agnus castus – when you take this herb it stimulates your pituitary gland to balance the secretions of all of your hormones. It is very effective for relieving PMS and needs to taking everyday for 3 months.
  • Black cohosh – taking this herb can relieve symptoms of PMS A including anxiety and tension as well as headaches and migraines.
  • Milk thistle – helps to support your liver in detoxifying excess oestrogen and other hormones.

Caution – do not take these herbs if you are on the pill, on HRT or pregnant.

Furthermore if you would like to learn more nutrition tips for relieving PMS, contact Kate on 07562 868342 for a free 15 minute consultation!


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