
Tag Archive holiday binge

5 Quick Ways to Lose Weight after a Holiday Binge

We all tend to overindulge over Christmas with all the chocolates and mince pies available. It is okay to enjoy Christmas treats as long as you get back on track afterwards. I will share my 5 quick ways to lose weight after a holiday binge so you can get back in shape fast!

5 Quick Ways to Lose Weight after a Holiday Binge

  • Drink more water – when you drink water it suppresses your appetite and flushes out toxins from your binge. People often mistake thirst for hunger, so make sure you are hydrated. Drinking water also helps you to feel full so drink a glass of water before eating a meal.
  • Eat 3 meals per day – focus of nutrient-dense meals that are low in calories but high in vitamins and minerals e.g. salads, green smoothies, lean white meat and fish.
  • Start your day with lemon in warm water –  this helps to stimulate your digestion and kick start your liver to detox toxins from your binge. Make sure you drink the lemon in warm water through a straw so the acidic lemon does not damage your teeth.
  • Do more exercise – go to an aerobics class or turn on some Christmas music and dance off the excess calories! Even light exercise such as going for a 15 minute walk every day will help.
  • Eat more fibre – when you eat more fibre with adequate water intake, it helps to move the binge foods and toxins through your system more quickly.

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