
Tag Archive Nutrition

10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods

In the western world we eat a diet high in wheat, dairy, sugar. These foods can cause acidity and inflammation in the body. Our diet is high in omega 6 and low in omega 3 which can lead to production of arachadonic acid and inflammatory pathways in the body. This can lead to chronic inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and heart disease. However we have the power to reduce inflammation and feel better by changing our diet. When we include anti-inflammatory foods in our diet, inflammation and pain can be eased. Furthermore your joints work more smoothly, cell membranes are held together and immune cells produces less histamine.

Here are my recommended top 10 anti-inflammatory foods:

  1. Oily fish – is rich in omega 3 that stimulates anti-inflammatory pathways in the body, reducing inflammation. Oily fish rich in omega 3 include mackerel, sardines, salmon, anchovies and herring.
  2. Ginger – is a root herb that improves circulation in the fingers and toes. Also it can prevent nausea and reduce inflammation in the body.
  3. Turmeric -is a spice that can reduce inflammation. It decreases permeability in the blood-brain barrier to prevent brain inflammation and cognitive decline. Furthermore it fights cancer.
  4. Nuts & seeds – plant based sources of omega 3 include walnuts, flaxseed/linseed, chia seeds, hemp seeds and pumpkin seeds.
  5. Green leafy vegetables – are rich in minerals and alkalise the body, reducing acidosis and the associated inflammation. Also they are rich in vitamin C which acts as a natural anti-histamine to reduce inflammation.
  6. Extra virgin olive oil – contains the chemical oleocanthal that acts similarly to ibuprofen to reduce pain and inflammation.
  7. Garlic – this potent herb can help to reduce joint swelling.
  8. Green tea – is rich in polyphenol antioxidants and helps to reduce inflammation.
  9. Blueberries – are rich in the antioxidant quercetin that protects the body from oxidant stress, reducing inflammation.
  10. Pineapple – contains the digestive enzyme bromelain. Bromelain helps to regulate the immune system and prevent unwanted inflammation.

Finally if you would like more information about how to reduce pain and inflammation, contact Kate on 07652 868342 or info@kateoriordan.com. You can receive personalised advice including a nutrition plan and supplement plan.

Copyright: andrelix / 123RF Stock Photo

Anti-Candida Diet

Candida Albicans is a yeast that is found in found in low levels in the gut. However problems can arise when the yeast begins to overgrow in the gut. When you follow an anti-Candida diet, it can help to reduce the Candida naturally without the use of antibiotics.



Causes of Candida Overgrowth:

  • Overuse of antibiotics
  • Long-term use of the pill
  • Steroids
  • Chemotherapy
  • Diabetes
  • HIV
  • Pregnancy

Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth:

  • Bloating
  • Flatulence
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhoea
  • Cravings for sugar and wheat
  • Headaches
  • Brain fog
  • Mood swings
  • Skin rashes
  • Recurrent thrush
  • Arthritis-type aching joints
  • Chronic fatigue








How to treat Candida Naturally

It is crucial to kill the Candida or keep it under control by using an anti-Candida diet, herbs and supplements.

Anti-Candida Diet

Foods to Avoid:

  • Remove all yeast and fermented food from the diet for 2-4 weeks. This includes bread, all aged or mouldy cheese, beer, wine, vinegar, miso, tempeh and mushrooms. Also avoid mould forming foods such as peanuts, peanut butter and cashew nuts.
  • Try to avoid all white-flour products for at least one month including crackers, pizza and pasta.
  • Avoid any form of sugar for one month including cane sugar, beet sugar, honey and really sweet fruits such as bananas, raisins and dates. Also avoid fruit juices and canned drinks for this period as they are high in sugar.


Foods to Eat:

  • Garlic is a potent anti-fungal. Raw is best.
  • Eat fresh fish, chicken, turkey, lean meats, eggs, cooked tofu and pulses.
  • Eat more artichokes, asparagus, aubergine, avocado, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, celery, green beans, leeks, lettuce, garlic, onion, parsnips, spinach, tomatoes and watercress.
  • Fruits that are okay to eat during the detox are apples, pears, raspberries, blueberries and cherries.
  • Use low-sugar organic rice or almond milk instead of cow’s milk.
  • Eat live, unsweetened yoghurt containing healthy bacteria acidophilus and bifidus.
  • Make your own dairy free water kefir which is a probiotic.

If you would like a detailed diet and supplement plan that is personalised to your specific requirements, contact Kate to book an initial consultation.

Copyright: dolgachov / 123RF Stock Photo

Foods for Underactive Thyroid

1 in 5 women have underactive thyroid also known as hypothyroidism. Underactive thyroid is a condition where your thyroid gland is not producing enough of the thyroid hormone T4. The thyroid gland is situated just below the ‘Adam’s Apple’ or larynx, and is responsible for running the whole of your body’s metabolism. When the thyroid gland is under-functioning and all metabolic processes slow down, a multitude of debilitating symptoms can arise.

Common Symptoms

  • Chronic constipation
  • Temperature test below 36.6ºC
  • Slow heart rate
  • Sensitive to cold weather
  • Chronic fatigue and weakness
  • Excess hair loss
  • Gain weight easily
  • Skin problems (dry, flaky skin)
  • Depression
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Cry easily
  • Headaches/dizziness
  • Feel worse in the morning
  • Feel better after exercising
  • Brittle fingernails
  • Loss of libido


You can support thyroid health with good nutrition. Here I list the foods to avoid and foods for underactive thyroid.

Foods to Avoid

  •  Avoid raw goitrogens including Brassica-family foods e.g. cabbage, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, turnips and Brussels sprouts. If eaten cook these foods first to inactivate the goitrogens.
  • Avoid consuming soya foods e.g. soy milk, tofu, miso, tempeh.
  • Check for gluten sensitivity and if there is an issue avoid gluten containing foods e.g. wheat, barley, rye and oats.


Foods for Underactive Thyroid

  • Iodine is an essential nutrient for thyroid hormone synthesis. Get the RDI for iodine of 150ug from iodised sea salt, shellfish, seawater fish and edible seaweeds such as kelp, dulse and Nori rolls.
  • Tyrosine is an amino acid and an essential component for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Good sources include cheese, all meats, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and eggs.
  • Selenium is required by the enzyme that converts thyroid hormone T4 into the more active T3 thyroid hormone. Get the recommended daily intake of selenium by eating 3 brazil nuts per day.
  • Eat zinc rich foods including fish, seafood and pumpkin seeds to support the conversion of the thyroid hormone T4 to the active form T3.
  • Liquorice root provide herbal support for the adrenal glands. It is important to support the adrenal glands because they are closely linked to the thyroid gland.


Lifestyle Tips

  • Take levothyroxine 30 minutes away from calcium rich foods e.g. milk which compete for absorption.
  • Use relaxation techniques e.g. yoga, Tai Chi, massage or meditation. It is important to reduce stress which depletes the thyroid.
  • Get adequate vitamin D levels by getting sunlight on bare face, arms and legs for at least 20 minutes daily.
  • 30 minutes exercise at least 3x per week stimulates the thyroid. However avoid intense exercise on the treadmill.
  • Use fluoride-free toothpaste to avoid fluoride which competes with iodine.
  • Install a pure water filter to the main tap and shower to remove chlorine in tap water which completes with iodine.
  • Moderate alcohol intake with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.


Copyright: dolgachov / 123RF Stock Photo

How To Lose Weight and Keep It Off

Many people believe that dieting is the best way to lose weight. They have tried all the popular diets such as the Atkins diet, 5:2 diet and juice fast diet. Somehow they always end up putting the weight back on and more after finishing the diet. Why is this? When you suddenly fast your body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism slows down to conserve energy. When you eventually give in to your body’s signal to eat, your body holds on to more fat in case there is a famine again. This is a negative cycle of dieting and putting on weight. So now I will explain how to lose weight and keep it off.

The best way to lose weight is to eat healthily. Making gradually changes to your diet including reducing processed, sugary foods and increasing the amount of vegetables and protein in your diet will help to support your body in losing weight and keeping it off. Make it a long-term lifestyle change, not a fad diet.

Here I will tell you how to lose weight and keep it off with my foods to eat and foods to avoid for weight loss:

How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

Foods to avoid for weight loss:

  • Replace refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta and rice, pastries, pies, pizzas for whole grain brown bread, pasta and rice.
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners especially aspartame which puts a strain on the liver and can slow weight loss.
  • Reduce foods high in sugar, which converts to fat inside the body if it is not used up during exercise.
  • Avoid chocolates as they are highly acid-forming. The occasional piece of dark chocolate is fine.
  • Avoid all margarines, full-fat milk and full-fat cheeses.


Friendly foods for weight loss:

  • Eat more organic foods, which contain fewer pesticides. Pesticides are stored in fat tissue and are really hard to eliminate.
  • Increase fruit and vegetable consumption to 5-10 portions per day. Onions, ginger, spring greens, spinach, pak choy, celery, pineapple and apples are all great foods for assisting weight loss.
  • Eat at least 1 portion of good quality protein per day at breakfast or lunchtime such as beef, lamb, venison, fish, eggs, chicken or fermented tofu, as protein balances blood sugar for a longer period.
  • Always eat breakfast. A good option is  a couple of poached eggs on wholemeal toast or organic porridge made with almond milk and a few raisins to sweeten.
  • Drink lots of herbal teas and at least 6-8 glasses of water per day. Water suppresses the appetite and prevents fat depositing in the body.


Weight Loss Plate

Make your meal plate in these proportions for weight loss.

    • 10% protein e.g. chicken, fish, eggs
    • 20% good fats e.g. avocado, coconut oil, olive oil, nuts and seeds
    • 20% carbohydrates e.g. wholegrains, brown bread, brown pasta, brown rice
    • 50% fruits and vegetables



Weight Loss Meal Plan Ideas

When you calorie count it stresses you out and does not work in the long-term. Eat 3 meals per day and a few healthy snacks to give your body all the nutrients it needs.

Day 1

  • Breakfast porridge with 1 apple and raisins to sweeten.
  • Lunch tinned mackerel on 1 slice wholemeal toast.
  • Snack 1 sugar-free yoghurt.
  • Dinner chicken with roast potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower.


Day 2

  • Breakfast 2 poached eggs on 1 slice wholemeal toast.
  • Lunch Greek salad.
  • Snack 3 oatcakes with hummus or cottage cheese.
  • Dinner salmon with broccoli, cauliflower and quinoa.


Day 3

  • Breakfast sugar- free granola with almond milk and yoghurt.
  • Homemade vegetable soup with wholemeal bread
  • Snack handful of nuts and an apple or a pear.
  • Dinner chicken curry with spinach, tomato, cauliflower and brown rice.

If you would like a personalised diet plan for weight loss, contact Kate on 07652 868342 or info@kateoriordan.com for more information.

Top 10 Tips for Detoxing

It’s the new year! January is a great time to detox your body so that you are fresh as the new year begins. I have written these 10 steps as a guide to help you to achieve your new year’s resolution of detoxing. Here are my top 10 tips for detoxing including simple but effective ways to detox.

Top 1o Tips for Detoxing

  • Eat more organic food – reduce your exposure to toxic pesticides by eating organic as much as possible. When you consume pesticides, they are stored in your body as fat and are very difficult to eliminate.
  • Reduce processed foods that are high in sugar – when you eat sugar it converts to fat inside the body if not used up during exercise. Sugar is also highly acid and can cause inflammation in the body.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine – when you drink alcohol it poisons your body and puts the liver under stress to clear it from your body. If you consume caffeinated drinks such as coffee and black tea, it stimulates your adrenals depleting your body of nutrients. They also dehydrate the body. Avoid these body stressors and drink plenty of water to flush out toxins.
  • Drink plenty of water – Make sure you drink lots of herbal teas and at least 6-8 glasses of water per day. Water suppresses the appetite and prevents fat depositing in the body. It also reduces water retention and encourages toxins to be flushed through the body.
  • Green smoothies – you can pack your smoothie full of antioxidants and nutrients to help you detox. Try making a green smoothie with this recipe: handful of spinach, 1 apple, 1 banana, half an avocado, half a cucumber and 1 litre of water. This recipe make 2 500ml glasses of green smoothie.
  • Zeolite powder – zeolite is a powdered clay that has an affinity for binding to heavy metals such as lead, mercury and arsenic. It clasps to these toxic metals and flushes them out of your body.
  • Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables – increase your fruit and vegetable consumption to 5-10 portions per day to alkalise the body. Onions, ginger, spring greens, spinach, pak choy, celery, pineapple and apples are all great foods for detoxing. Radicchio, chicory, fennel, celeriac, rocket and bitter foods help to cleanse the liver, which aids detoxification.
  • Vegetarian diet – reduce your consumption of meat, dairy and other animal products which are acidic and mucus forming in the body. Increase your intake of vegetables, legumes and whole grains. When you are on a healthy vegetarian diet, you naturally lose weight and detoxify your body.
  • Exercise regularly – when you exercise regularly it improves your circulation which helps to move toxins out of the body.


I hope my top 10 tips for detoxing have inspired you to start cleansing your body. If you would like more information on detoxing, contact Kate on 07562 868342 for a free 15 minute nutrition consultation.

10 Natural Remedies for Anxiety

Millions of people are affected by anxiety in their daily lives. Many people reach for artificial drugs such as alcohol and sleeping pills. However you can try one of the many natural remedies available for anxiety.

Anxiety can be caused by:

  • Vitamin and mineral deficiencies – especially vitamin B6 and zinc.
  • Protein deficiency – we need 0.8g of protein per kilogram of body weight to support the health of the nervous system.
  • PMS Type A – women can experience anxiety and emotional upset during the week before their period starts.
  • Unresolved emotional traumas – when triggered the memories may replay in your mind and you can relive the trauma and stress of the event.
  • Anticipation of a future event – you may be anxious thinking about an interview or a family get together during the Christmas period.


Here are 10 natural remedies for anxiety:

  1. Magnesium – we need lots of magnesium during periods of stress. Magnesium helps to relax the muscles. Good sources of magnesium include green leafy vegetables, dark chocolate, nuts and seeds.
  2. B vitamins – support the nervous system. B vitamins are found in protein rich foods such as lean meats, fish, brown rice, legumes, nuts and seeds.
  3. Chamomile tea – this tea contains natural phytonutrients that calm your body and mind.
  4. Green tea – despite containing a small amount of caffeine, green tea contains theanine which act on the brain to relax the nervous system
  5. Meditation – when you do slow, deep breathing from your belly, it can slow down your heart rate and make you feel instantly more calm. Meditation helps you to be in the present moment and not worry about the future or stress about the past.
  6. Exercise – when you exercise it produces endorphins making you feel happier and releasing stress.
  7. Acupressure – by pressing specific points on your hands and head you can instantly release muscular tension you may be carrying and relax your body.
  8. Journalling – writing down your thoughts in a journal can help you to process what is making you feel anxious. It is a therapeutic emotional release.
  9. Massage – having a massage can be very relaxing. You could try giving yourself a foot massage and watch your anxiety melt away.
  10. Talking to a trusted friend or family member – when you share your problems with someone it helps to put them in perspective. It can relieve the stress as a problem shared is a problem halved.



Finally if you suffer from allergies and would like to book an appointment for personalised nutrition advice, contact Kate on 07652 868342. Alternatively you can send me a message using the contact form below:

Best Foods to Fight a Cold

As Winter draws near, you may find yourself and others around you sneezing and coughing. We tend to stay indoors more as the weather gets worse and have the heating on leading to the spread of germs. Also as the days gets shorter and we are outside in the sunshine for less and less time. This depletes our vitamin D levels which are stored for 3 months before being completely used up. If you find yourself in the grips of fighting a cold virus, nutrition can help to shorten the time it takes for your body to clear it. Here are my best foods to fight a cold.

The Best Foods to Fight a Cold

  • Apples – rich sources of vitamin C and water. They also contain the antioxidant quercetin to help protect your cells from oxidative damage during the fight off period.
  • Fish and seafood – rich in zinc with helps to boost the immune system. Also a good source of protein to provide your body with the building blocks for making white blood cells to fight off the virus. Additionally it is a source of vitamin D which modulates the immune system.
  • Pau D’Arco tea – this amazing herb has natural anti-viral properties to help kill off the virus.
  • Water – make sure you drink plenty of water during a cold. You can flush out the toxins and debris from dead virus cells with water.
  • Garlic – a potent anti-viral herb that is best taken raw for full effects. Take 1 raw garlic clove daily during your cold.
  • Onion – also a potent anti-viral herb. You can use it chopped in curries or soup.
  • Lemon and ginger tea – rich in vitamin C and antioxidants to help soothe your cold symptoms. Ginger is anti-inflammatory which can help to clear a blocked nose. It is also a plant source of zinc to boost the immune system. To make lemon and ginger tea, steep a piece of fresh ginger in hot water for 15 minutes. Then add the juice of half a lemon and enjoy a soothing cup of herbal tea.

Copyright: capacitorphoto / 123RF Stock Photo

Finally if you suffer from recurrent colds and would like to book an appointment for personalised nutrition advice, contact Kate on 07652 868342. Alternatively you can send me a message using the contact form below:

Nutrition for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Having experienced myself what it is like to go through Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), I know how important nutrition is for recovering health. I have gained a wealth of knowledge on my nutrition course to support CFS. Below I have listed my nutrition for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome tips:


If you have CFS you may have aches and pains in your muscles after minor exertion. When you take magnesium it can help to relieve muscular pains and it is know as nature’s tranquilliser. Good sources of magnesium include dark green leafy vegetables, dark chocolate and nuts and seeds.

Filtered water

People with CFS often have a lot of toxins in their body. Drinking at least 2 litres of filtered water every day helps to flush out the toxins and keep you hydrated. Having a water filter clears the water of toxic chemicals, as well as chlorine and fluoride which can harm the thyroid gland.


The average adult needs to eat 2-3 portions of protein per day or their weight in kilos x 0.8. If you are ill with CFS you need to eat an extra portion of protein to support you body building immune cells and for tissue repair. People with CFS need to eat an amount of protein in grams equal to their weight in kilos x 1. For example 50kg x 1 = 50g of protein per day. Good sources of protein include meat, chicken, fish, eggs and tofu.


Often people with CFS have multiple viruses and infections that the body is constantly trying to fight off. This can deplete the immune system of the vital nutrient zinc. When you take zinc it boosts the immune system. Good sources of zinc include fish, seafood and pumpkin seeds.

Vitamin C

People with CFS often are inflammatory and have lots of free radical damage from their immune cells constantly fighting infections. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps to mop up free radicals and prevent cell damage.

Omega 3

You need omega 3 fatty acids for brain health and concentration, skin health and tight cell membranes. You can find omega 3 in oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines, walnuts, hemp powder, flaxseed and chia seeds. Often people with CFS are deficient in omega 3 so it may be worth increasing it in the diet and taking a supplement to see if you feel better.

If you would like to find out more about how to use nutrition to support CFS/ME recovery, please contact me to book your free 15 minute fatigue breakthrough call.